Tangara School

Learning for life | Every Student - Every Opportunity - Every Day

Telephone02 4871 1636



Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.

Local enrolment area

Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. School Finder shows our local enrolment area. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.

How to enrol 

Tangara School offers educational programs for students with special learning needs from Kindergarten to Year 12 within a caring and supportive environment. Tangara operates under the policies and procedures of the NSW Department of Education. A regional placement panel operates to assess applications for special settings and ensure eligibility for your child.

Applications for placement are through the Access Request process. An Access Request is usually arranged by the school learning and support team at the local public school but can also be organised through the local Educational Services team if a child is not yet enrolled. Local teams can be contacted on 131 536 and calls can be made from anywhere in NSW.

A student is offered enrolment in a special school setting through a placement panel process. A student's eligibility is determined thorugh the Department's disability criteria as well as the availability of a place in an appropriate class.

Enrolment arrangements for students with disability and additional learning and support needs are the same as for all students. Information about enrolment can be obtained via a visit to your local public school. More information is available on school enrolment. 

A special school setting reviews the placement of each student annually. Reviews consider all aspects of a personalised learning and support plan, including whether or not the current placement is best meeting the learning and support needs of the student. 

Parents and carers should contact the principal of their child's school. Parents or carers whose child is not yet enrolled in school should contact their local school. 

For more information, visit Special Schools (SSPs)

Application forms must be completed in English. A translated application to enrol may help you fill out the form in English. translated application to enrol